Labor am Elm

Elm Laboratory

Consulting and Research

Covid-19 Analysis and Forecast

detailed graphs on countries and continents

2 minutes read


has been in the media since the end of January. The first series of data have been published by the WHO since January 22, 2020 in front. Data of Johns Hopkins University are currently used for analysis. A 10-days forecast can be used to estimate the further course in order to plan the corresponding logistics.

Search: (Type the country name in English without any spaces)

Detailed tables can be found here:

The published Covid-19 data are for research purposes only. The plots may be redistributed.

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Although the numbers of deaths in the Covid-19 graphs look dramatic, they do not show up too dramatic on the general death numbers, which are monitored by euroMomo:

Info about the graphs from this site

  1. The underlying database maintained by Johns Hopkins University lists registered COVID-19 cases identified as such by a so-called PCR test. Either by limited test capacities or just as people with symptomless conditions will not seak being tested, the true number of infections is not possible to be accurately obtained, except everybody would be tested at the same time. This will have an influence in the, here discussedid, case fatality rate calculations.

  2. The fit quality is quantified by the uncertainty provided as percent value in parentheses. Uncertainties above ≈ 50% mean the result is very uncertain and above 100% the result is no longer meaningful. This is especially the case, when the turning point is far in the future.

  3. Nmax of a fit can show numbers above the population of a country. This is often then the case, when the uncertainties are quite high or above 100%. It simply says we don’t know. However, a 10 days estimate of the curve is usually quite reasonable.

For additional analysis, interpretation, and stategic advice, you can contact us.


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