Labor am Elm

Elm Laboratory

Consulting and Research

COVID-19 in Carlisle, Kentucky

Covid-19 analyis and forecast.

Jens Röder

1 minute read

This is an automized summary of the data of Carlisle, Kentucky. Please use common sense to evaluate the data and check their error values thorougly. Error values above 50% indicate that the value is of little significance. Error values above 100% mean that at current state, there is no prediction information in this value.

Your support will help us working on new data analyis on Covid-19 for you:

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Missing graphs of death fits indicate that data quality is insufficient for a fit.

day numbers of 2020date
8020 March 2020
9030 March 2020
1009 April 2020
11019 April 2020
12029 April 2020
1309 May 2020
14019 May 2020
15029 May 2020
1608 June 2020
17018 June 2020
18028 June 2020

    • None
    • None

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